I offer the following services to fellow therapists and professional counselors of all disciplines:

Individual Supervision (60 – 90 minutes)

Private Practice Development Coaching (60 min+)

Case Consultation (60 – 90 minutes)

Group Supervision (90 minutes)

Clinical Training 


I charge $200 per hour of individual clinical supervision and case consultation, prorated as needed for longer sessions. Clinical supervision can occur in my office or remotely, and may be counted towards your professional licensure depending on your state and profession’s regulations. I’ve provided qualifying supervision for LMSWs, LMFTs, LPCs and LMHCs from New York and New Jersey that have been accepted toward licensure.

I was long supported by dedicated supervisors who reduced my fees earlier in my career to make high quality supervision accessible. If you’re just starting out, or struggling to get your own practice or career off the ground, let me know when you reach out. I particularly enjoy supporting newer clinicians in locating their unique, personal therapeutic “voice” and perspective, focused on subjectivity and grounded in a collaborative, affirmative spirit.

Private Practice Development Coaching rates vary significantly depending on your needs. Typically,  we would work together for 3 – 5 sessions covering decision making around practice design, fee setting, foundational marketing plan, support setting up the “back end” of your practice, including intake and EHR process development, at $150 / hour. Some services, like copy help, don’t require 1 to 1 hours but are prorated to $150/hour. Coaching can take place in my office or remotely. Think of me as your “fast track to get you started” private practice coach! Establishing my private practice is the best professional decision I’ve ever made and I cannot overstate how much I love seeing others do the same and build a practice that works for them.

Group supervision rates vary based on the size of the group and the frequency of meetings. Group supervision in your office or agency is available, including facilitation of case conferences with your clinical staff or a group of peers you organize.

Clinical training rates vary based on the number of participants, setting, degree of customization and objectives.

Previous training topics include:

  • Dysphoria and Disordered Eating
  • DSM 5 Immersion
  • Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect in NYS
  • “Window of Tolerance” : Our Window To Attunement and Intervention with Dysregulated Patients